Sunday, October 12, 2008

Galveston Island

Last Friday was our day off and we decided to go to Galvaston Island to have dinner and check out the Hurricane damage from Ike. We went to a delicious Mexican place called Salsa's. It was on the ocean, and to our surprise was open! About 40% of the restaurants on the ocean were open.

Look mom...I"m eating my spinach!

Prior to dinner we went to Moody Gardens Aquarium. It was so fun! They had 3 baby shark embrios that were due any day! They also had about 60 penguins....that was my favorite part!

And of course...we took a couple pictures by the ocean!! It wasn't Mexico...but it was fun!

Below are some pics we took in Galveston of the damage...what a site. It was so sad!

The craziest things we have seen this week:

1) Big black pig named Charlotte

2) 16 chickens that just got welcommed to their new home

3) Two boats stranded in the median on the highway in Galveston

4) Three baby sharks moving around in their embryo about to be born

1 comment:

me said...

I had a girls weekend at the Flagship back in college! So sad that it took such a hit. We miss y'all!