Friday, October 31, 2008

The Woodlands Waterway

So we have finished our claims and plan to return back to Waco on Sunday and see what the Lord may have in store for us next! This is an exciting journey with my sweetheart and with the Lord! We are growing in trust of Him more and more each day! My husband is so great and is a great provider...give him an excel spreadsheet and he whips up the most amazing budget in days! He keeps our finances in order! I just love him:)
So Precious found a new little hiding place she liked...

She has been enjoying having Wesley home all the time now! She wants ALL his often she sits right on whatever Wes is reading!

We went down to the Woodlands Waterway and enjoyed the weather yesterday! It was beautiful! We are sure going to miss this beautiful place!

They had beautiful mosaic murals inside the archways!

The fountains were immaculate...we even got a bit wet from trying to get a great picture.

Wesley found a ladies purse just sitting there.......hee hee

Monday, October 27, 2008

Random week of pictures

Well this last week wasn't too eventful, but we got some fun pics!

To catch up on Precious pictures..for you Precious fanatics....I could only be talking to myself here....
She found a new warm spot to sit and get a tan...

she's behind the 'curtain' hee hee...

Here's a short video of Precious..don't be jealous of our seashell's a rental place OK...we didn't buy it:)

Precious loves to be underneath things...and we will find her often as a lump under our comforter....

So Wes and I spend most days out of the house by 7:30am and then returning around 4:30pm. some days we have extra time around breakfast where we like to go to a Donut shop..because they are EVERYWHERE in Texas and sit and work on estimates. Here is our favorite place...

The Happy me happy just saying it!

At one of our home inspections, Wes was offered a ride in the tractor up to the roof! Daring Wes took him up on the offer.

Wes and I found a random pretty place on the side of the road after driving about 10 miles on this horrific pothole road trying to find a certain home made it worth it when we found this place...

Here are some pics from Wesley's birthday, Sept. 23rd! He woke up with balloons covering the bed and opened his presents on the porch with our coffee and cat. It was a fun morning! He now has The Office..the first 4 that is all we watch now! We love it! I sure do love him!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Our One Year Anniversary

So Wes and I have now officially been married for 1 year!! I can hardly believe it!! Seems like a few months ago we were getting married. It has been the most wonderful year!! It's been easier than we both thought to live together and walk through that transition! We have seen the Lord's hand over our marriage and His amazing guidance in leading us to all that He has for us and our marriage! The Lord is so good to us!

We spent our anniversary on a boat on Lake Conroe. It was a perfect day!!
One of the best parts...a Starbucks on the Lake!!!! We pulled our boat up to it and stopped for some coffee!! It was one of my most wonderful Starbucks experiences ever!
Wes drove the boat most of the time....He was a fabulous captain!! And not to mention..studly!
This was the view as we were going under the bridge!
And we decided to buy a house! HA! just kidding...but if we could...we would want it to be this one!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Galveston Island

Last Friday was our day off and we decided to go to Galvaston Island to have dinner and check out the Hurricane damage from Ike. We went to a delicious Mexican place called Salsa's. It was on the ocean, and to our surprise was open! About 40% of the restaurants on the ocean were open.

Look mom...I"m eating my spinach!

Prior to dinner we went to Moody Gardens Aquarium. It was so fun! They had 3 baby shark embrios that were due any day! They also had about 60 penguins....that was my favorite part!

And of course...we took a couple pictures by the ocean!! It wasn't Mexico...but it was fun!

Below are some pics we took in Galveston of the damage...what a site. It was so sad!

The craziest things we have seen this week:

1) Big black pig named Charlotte

2) 16 chickens that just got welcommed to their new home

3) Two boats stranded in the median on the highway in Galveston

4) Three baby sharks moving around in their embryo about to be born

Friday, October 10, 2008

Discovering Lake Conroe

So we discovered a new beautiful place in our area! It's called Lake Conroe! It's about 20 minutes from where we live and it's just georgous!! We had some extra time in between inspections and decided to have lunch there! We ate at The Famous "Sam's Boat"...or at least everything on the menu said they were famous!

The food was good! I convinced Wes that we had to get fried pickles...and they rate #1 for all the ones I have tried. The view of the lake was just perfect! The area is developing and they are adding more restaurants, so hopefully we will be here long enough to try them all!!

Not to mention....they have a STARBUCKS overlooking Lake Conroe!! Can you believe it! Forgive me for not posting a picture...we didn't have time to relax there..but believe me...we will! I must say that is the Starbucks with the best view as far as I'm concerned! Lynda...if only you could join me there!

Wes and I are wanting to get a Tassimo since we drink so much hopefully in the new few posts I can say that we bought one!!! My friend, Lynda has convinced me that it's worth it!! Not to mention I had 4 at her condo a month ago!! after lunch yesterday we walked out on the boat deck and fed the catfish!! That was a site...hundreds of catfish diving for the little bit of food we offered them. Then we took some pictures on the deck!

And just for my father in is the picture of the week........another Precious picture:)