Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bits from My Weekend

Ok, so I'm starting to do a post each week called Bits from My Weekend. Got the idea from a friend, Michelle Arnold ( who has an awesome blog and check her blog out to do this as well! So, I'm a bit late doing the first one..but better late than never right? Next week, I'll be on time.
So, here are some pics from my weekend!

A delicious avocado, gorgonzola, cucumber, tomatoe and ginger lettuce wrap on such a gorgeous day!!Went for a 3 mile run.....wishing it was a bit warmer to jump in the pool.

We grilled out hotdogs to enjoy the sunny afternoon...don't tell anyone that I like Nathan's Hotdogs!
Kayaking the 1000 Islands in Cocoa Beach, Florida...our new found love!
Our spontaneous and awesome friend, Trina came with us!! She is always up for something last minute! Short post...but looking forward to the next one! Florida definitly has its perks.....

1 comment:

Laura said...

will you follow my blog...? PLEASE?
Laura Willits
an old friend