Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Shoes....

So, I've never been a runner....I always said I wasn't made to be a runner. So instead I participated in VHS workout videos at home(when I was young), or once I finally made it on my own, I went to the YMCA and did Kickboxing, Pilates and Zumba 5 times a week. I found that I love those classes and it kept me fit! Well now after our temporary (going on 9!) move to Florida, we live in touristville where there are no gyms....uh am I supposed to stay fit?? So, I have decided to become a runner.......the weather is nice so I have no excuse and I love enjoying the it's perfect. Well, I've changed...and I researched every tennis shoe out there to find the perfect running shoe for my feet! I quickly realized most running shoes that are perfect for your feet are NOT pretty, but I managed to find one pair that I liked! They have pink in it! I ordered them online in hopes that the reviews I read were right. I got them, tried them on, jumped around, ran around the kitchen...and smiled. I'm very excited about this new journey I'm on! I worked myself up to running a 5K a couple weeks ago...and who knows what's next. I must say, there is something in me that is really proud of myself. Kind of a feeling that I showed myself that I could do what I thought I wasn't made to do. Don't get me wrong, I'll take the gym back any day....but this will do for now. Who knows what you can overcome when you put your heart to it!!!


Wesley Wiley said...

go babe! You look hot in those new shoes!

J.Ben D. said...

cool shoes.... needed for all that touristville walking! You guys have to run around Im sure you are staying in shape! Good to see a new blog friends! Thinking of you guys early this morning...