Thursday, July 9, 2009

July 4th in Ft. Lauderdale with the Hanford's!

Wes and I were so blessed to spend the July 4th weekend with David and Lynda Hanford! I met Lynda at Teen Mania and we hit it off immediately! Even with Lynda moving all over the country, we have remained wonderful friends! It was the first time we all got to hang out as couples! It was such a blast! We at at the Fisheries..yum! Wes and David went deep sea fishing on the morning of July 4th! They both caught a King Fish! Check out some pics from their trip!

Lynda and I did a little shopping that afternoon...check out the cool hat!!! I felt like I was ready for the Kentucky Derby!
Another cute pic of David & Lynda! They are the sweetest couple!
The Hanford's live at the beach so we enjoyed watching the fireworks and eating ice cream at Ft. Lauderdale beach! It was so much fun!
We truly had a wonderful time!

Yummy food in Florida!!

Wesley and I were so thrilled to find a Bojangle's in Orlando. I grew up with one and we ate there all the time! They have the best cajun mouth is watering! Since Wes and I have been married he has had the privilege of enjoying it too!Wes and I have been spending several nights a week grilling out on our porch! I told Wes I wanted to learn to grill, so he has let me take the reigns...I definitly made a few things that didn't taste too good...a few not cooked all the way through...but this meal...I was proud of! Cajun chicken sandwiches with grilled Zucchini boats!
Here we are enjoying our yummy dinner by the pool!
We grilled hamburgers and hotdogs...and accidentally dropped one of the hamburgers into the is my sweet hubby cleaning it off!!! 2 second rule right!