Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Our Trip to India!

We are going to India!! OK, not to live (at least not yet) but we are going on a short term trip to Bangalore, India in May!! We want you to be a part of it in any way!!

Here is our newsletter about it!

Beth and I are so blessed that you all are in our lives! We have had quite a journey of transition and seeking God in the last few months as we embarked in new jobs and trusting God all the way as he continues to lead us! We are enjoying being married for over a year and 4 months and can’t even believe it’s been that long! We are really enjoying each other and God in our marriage!

As most of you know, Beth and I have a huge desire to serve and minister to the people of Asia. In January, we prayed and set a goal to go to India this year if the Lord willed. We were fully aware that God would have to open the door with both our schedule and finances. A few days ago, out of the blue, Beth and I were asked to be a part of a small team from our church going to India in May for 2 weeks. The team consists of about 6 people from our church, Antioch Community Church. We will be working with a church plant that we have in Bangalore, India. India has more unreached people groups than any nation on earth, but is experiencing a revival that is unprecedented in the nation’s history. In the last 6 months, the village house church movement we are connected with has grown from 55 to 114 house churches. In that same time, Antioch’s team in the city of Bangalore has seen hundreds of salvations, many miracles, and has started over ten new house churches. Across India, people are hungry for the Gospel. Because so many are turning to Jesus, there is a desperate need for discipleship and training.

Usually the lower castes in India are more easily reached with the gospel because of their greater physical need, but in Bangalore it is the middle class that is saying yes to Jesus. On a daily basis, our ministry will be going from shop to shop sharing the gospel, praying for the sick and discipling new believers. We are filled with faith for the many ways God desires to move in and through us. We are inviting you to partner with us in two areas of need.

Prayer Support: Be believing with us and praying for us as we journey to India to share the good news of Jesus Christ! Grace to abide in Jesus, wisdom and discernment, financial provision and team unity.

Financial Support: We still need to raise $1500 total for airfare, lodging, and food. Please pray about supporting us financially and respond however God leads you.

How to Give

Tax deductible: Write check to “AMI” (stands for Antioch Ministries International) and send to:
Wesley Wiley
2800 Gorman Ave
Waco, TX 76707

Thank you for all your love, support and prayers! We are very grateful for you!


Wesley & Beth Wiley

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