Sunday, August 9, 2009

Vero Beach/Beth's Bday/Our House

So we finally moved to a house in Davenport, FL that we will stay in for a's hard around here because everything is a vacation home so we had to find one that wasn't booked for a while. Let's just say after hours and hours of looking, I found the one that we love! We moved in Aug. 1st and it couldn't be more perfect for us! It's in Tuscan Hills, which is the subdivision I wanted! Thank you Jesus!
This is Shamu...he came with the have no idea how much fun it is to take a running start and jump on him....and then try to not fall over into the pool! Here are pics of the Master Guest Suite & if you come to visit...this will be all yours!!!! Here are a few pics...Here are the other 2 guest rooms and bathroom! Plenty of room!
We were totally surprised to find out that we also had a game room in the garage!!!!!
We spent a day at Vero Beach and quickly realized this is quite the ritzy area!! The beach was gorgeous! Here we are having a blast.........
So, August 6th was my birthday!!!! I turned!!!!
It was a wonderful day! I woke up to a cute sign my hubby put up.....We had breakfast and then got ready and went to Animal Kingdom at Disney. You get in free on your we figured it was the best time to go. It was a hot day for sure, but a really neat place. We realized we like Seaworld better, but we did enjoy the Everest rollercoaster, safari and raft ride...which we both got completely's a pic right after that ride...
After Animal Kingdom, we went home and grilled out for dinner (my favorite!!!) and then we made Skookies for dessert. I didn't want a cake..and we thought this was fun! It's a cookie you make in a skillet! It was tasty too!!!

My special day was wonderful!!!! I loved spending it with my most favorite person...Wes!
Thanks for all the special wishes from all my friends and family! I truly am blessed to be loved by so many!

Seaworld & The Beaches....

Wow, it's been a while since I last posted! I'm ganna try to do this post with Precious sitting on my lap and the computer..because I don't think she is planning on moving! Well July was fun!! Wes and I were busy working claims but definitly made time for some fun activities! We were blessed to have my in-laws visit us as well!
We made it back to one of our favorite spots..Hudson Beach! Our favorite restaurant there is Sam's and they have a killer gator sandwich and fried green tomatoe sandwich! mouth is watering! On this occasion we watched a guy fishing and he caught a flounder..but then it got away....good for the fish!!
Then....we went to the Port St. Lucie/Fort Pierce area and found an incredible place called Hutchinson Island. We have decided we want to move there! It's right on the beach, but yet undiscovered! There are state parks that are just filled with mangroves and lush greenery and then you step over the hill and the breathtaking ocean meets you! There are only a few houses But there, so I think our mansion will fit!
Here are some pics from our fun day on Hutchinson Island!

Wes is so funny with pictures! It's hard to get a normal pic with him!! This one made me laugh..don't's only sand!
After our fun day on the beach, we went to Jenson Beach and celebrating 4 years of being together (includes dating...) at an awesome local joint called Conchy Joes! It overlooked the ocean and the breeze felt great as we watched the dolphins playing in the background! Simply...perfect!
We checked out the Fort Pierce Marina....wish I owned one of those boats..they were just beautiful!!!!
We are now season pass holders to Seaworld!!! Wes didn't realize how much I would love truly is breathtaking...
The Manatees were pretty amazing too!! We got there during feeding time...and they were working that lettuce!!! I kinda want to take one home and put it in our swimming pool!!

Well, that's it for now! I've got more pics on my camera from my birthday and some of August stuff and our new I'll get to that soon! Thanks for reading!!!