Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Florida Beaches

Our tour of the Florida beaches has begun!!! Because of our job we travel all over central Florida so whenever we are by the beach we try to arrange a walk on the beach or maybe a lunch! It's been so fun thus far!!
The first beach ...well maybe not beach...was Tampa Bay.......
Here we are at the lovely...smells like fish...Tampa Bay.

The very same day we got to go to Clearwater Beach!!! We tried to find a place on the ocean to eat, but couldn' was all was a bummer but it was beautiful! And no worries...we found a super cheap mexican place on the way home!

Just yesterday we went to Hudson Beach which is on the westside, north of Tampa. We did a claim a few miles from the beach...and then ate at this place called Sam's. It was right on the water and quite yummy! Wes was excited to get a Buffalo Alligator sandwich!
And we had to pose by the ocean! We both were talking about how amazing it is...we feel so blessed by Jesus to be able to enjoy this....we have both always wanted to live in Florida.
By the way, the bottle on the table is pepper.....
Today we were on the east coast and after we finished claims we went to Cocoa Beach! This beach reminded me of NC! We just loved it!! Here are some pics from our day! Well, that's it for now! Keep us in your prayers. We love journeying with God!

Now we are in Orlando......

It's been a few weeks since I've written and wow...a lot has changed again! Wesley and I were in Austin for only one week when we had a much better opportunity arise for us! It was not a hard decision because Austin just did not seem to be working out well for us. Wesley and I are enjoying this crazy journey together and with the hand of Jesus guiding us and we love it!
So...we are now temporarily living in Orlando Florida!!!! Yep...the home of Disney World.....:)
We met with a guy from the company that gives us claims to do and they had several opportunities for us and gave us the option of which one to take. We had decided to go to North Carolina to be around my family, and we were packed and ready to move that day when he told us of another opportunity in Orlando Florida that would offer a better financial return. Since we are wanting to pay off debt we prayed and felt the Lord leading us to do that! So we were already packed....and instead of going to NC, we went to Orlando. Wes and I drove here to Orlando almost two weeks ago and we drove the 18 hours without stopping. We were excited.....
We took Precious with us..and surprisingly she loved the car ride!! And crawling on top of Wes while he was trying to sleep!
We made it...exhausted...but we made it and stayed at a hotel for the night in Brandon, FL. The next day we were blessed to be able to find a home to rent for at least a month. It's super cute. The house is in Davenport, FL, only a few minutes from Disney and it is a vacation area. It's actually full of people from the UK...why? not sure...maybe Disney?
We love this area and will probably stay in this subdivision as long as we are in Orlando.
Here are some favorite part...the pool of course!! I've always wanted a pool!

Precious, our cat likes it too....she is afraid of the pool...but has found a few other favorite places!

So we really like Orlando..the weather is lovely and getting to swim everyday is such a blessing!
We are working insurance claims everyday which is so great! Wes and I love working together and on our own schedule! We hope this will help pay off debt:):)
We went to Disney Downtown one day and had a blast. We ate at the Rainforest Cafe...overpriced for the little food...but nice view. We are excited to see all that this area has to offer!
Luckily with our job we travel to Tampa, Orlando and the coasts on both sides. We are wanting to visit the beaches as much as possible! We have already been to 3! Pictures to follow!