Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Where in the World are the Wileys? Austin Texas...

So we got back from India and had a voicemail about a temporary job opportunity in Austin, TX related to insurance adjusting. So, within 2 days, we packed up our clothes and a few things and got a short term apartment in Round Rock Texas to pursue this job thing. God is our provider and we really felt like He was leading us to make this decision.
So, here we are....a cute little apartment in La Frontera Lakeside....bottom floor overlooking the lovely lake that is about half full of water lilies! It is just gorgeous!
It was hard leaving Waco, but we plan to still be involved in our church and lifegroup by commuting.
Here are a few pics of our tiny apartment ...and rental furniture.

Precious seems to be right at home..she loves rolling around on the carpet since we don't have any at our Waco home. Her new favorite getaway...underneath the mattress...it was already like this when the furniture people brought it...
She also loves the window sill and time with Wes...
We so love the view from our apartment!! There are a few hedges that need to be cut down in front of our patio, but needless to say here is our view! Much better than our view in Waco....you Wacoans know what I mean!
So our first day here I didn't have time to get groceries yet, so we found this tiny little NY pizza place where you could get a GIANT slice of pizza for $3! Check out this slice!!

We took a day off on Memorial Day and went down to Zilker Park and enjoyed the Botanical Gardens! We rummaged to find $3 cash for the parking fee (entry was free), and we got to the ticket booth and the lady said "we just ran out of tickets, you get in for free!!!". Now that is the favor of the Lord!! He knows what we need right?!!!
They had tons of 4 leaf clovers!!!!! Aunt Patti...do you remember when we were little kids and all the cousins were together..you told us you would give us $20 if we could find a 4 leaf clover...and then Tara tried to make one out of a 3 leaf clover..well...does the offer still stand? hee hee
So yesterday I found an amazing deal!!! I was searching for free stuff to do in Austin and found this website where I bought a $10 gift certificate for only $.26...yep that's right! It was for this place called Geno's Pizza. So Wes and I set out about 15 minutes away to find this place in a small town called Manor, TX...and it was quite interesting...Genos Pizza was also a Chinese Restaurant...they served both...how weird is that! But totally Texas..
so needless to say, we got a 20" pizza from Geno's Pizza and only paid $9. Can you believe that! We have lots of leftovers!!!

Thanks for reading our update!! Bless you all and keep in touch:)
Wes and Beth

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Our Trip to Bangalore, India

Wesley and I had the most wonderful opportunity to serve and share the gospel with the people in Bangalore, India over the last two weeks! We just got back and are still trying to get over jet lag...we seem to still be going to bed at 9pm and getting up at 5am!
We had an incredible time in India! Most days we would go from shop to shop and asking if we could pray for people and sharing the gospel. It was a challenge but the Lord gave us so much grace to do it! It's amazing how open people are to prayer and how many healings we saw with our very own eyes! God is truly doing something amazing!! At one restaurant we saw 6 people healed immediately after we prayed for them! My heart was so thrilled because I've really only read about the miracles God does but haven't seen it with my own eyes.

We spent one day in a home that is for the destitute and dying of Bangalore. It is owned by a christian man that used to be a rickshaw driver but saw a need....it was incredible. We loved on people and prayed for people that had been through the toughest lives. Our heart was to be Jesus to them!

Everyday we lived life...so if we needed to go shopping for gifts we did that, and shared Jesus as we went....if we needed to go to the coffee shop (and you know we did!!!!), then we shared Jesus there as well. It became a lifestyle that we are bringing back to Texas! We want our lives to reflect Jesus and live that Jesus did!! We are thrilled that our lives have been forever changed and really look forward to seeing what He does in and through us!
We saw salvations and many healings as a team and we as well were changed forever!
What a heart God can give us for people when we ask! Thank you all for sowing into us...we saw amazing fruit in India!
We did a horrible job with taking pictures while we were there, but here are a few of the city of Bangalore, the view from our apartment, and Wes and I on our date at the top of a 13 story building overlooking the city!